Oliver Corby – LVMH Perfumes & Cosmetics
Something we take pride in here on Oxford St is not only providing world-class service but also taking ownership of problems, irrespective of how challenging or how late in the day they maybe. Whilst enjoying that feeling of well-earned satisfaction once they are fully rectified and the client happy.
I get the impression with a motto such as ‘My Customer, My Responsibility’ JBrand are much entwined with us in this regard. So when a select few of your employees display the above traits, and do so routinely without the need to ask or negotiate they simply act… we certainly take notice. Clearly they are the embodiment of your company motto which should not go unrewarded.We would therefore like to extend our deepest appreciation, and respect, to the following staff: Warren Edge, Dick Palethorpe, Ashley Davidson, Maryanne Nelson, Gail Crilly, Dion Peddle.
Thank you for all that you do and continue to do for us.